Wynn Parry

Welcome to my website

I am Wynn Parry National Vice President (National President elect for 2024-25) of 41 Club, the Association of ex-Round Tablers’ Club, which is part of the Round Table family of Clubs consisting of Round Table, Ladies Circle, Tangent and 41 Club.

41 Club was established in 1945 as a way for former members of Round Table to continue their friendships after retiring from Round Table at the age of 45. Since our AGM in April 2022 non Round Table members can be invited to join.

I embraced the opportunity to join Round Table in 1986 when my wife Heather and I moved to a village called Baildon in Yorkshire to begin our working lives. On my first day at work, I was fortunate enough to be seated next to a Round Tabler who was about to become Area 15 Chairman. He regaled me about the benefits of being a Round Tabler and told me about the Community Service aspects of the Association which was of great interest to me. Once Heather and I had settled into Baildon, I joined Baildon Round Table and Heather subsequently joined Baildon Ladies Circle. In 1992-93 I became the Club chairman having previously completed many convenor and Officer roles. I became Chairman for the second time in 1998-99. I served on the Area 32 Executive between 1993 and 1999, undertaking most roles before becoming Area Chairman for 1999-2000, it was a great honour to be the Millenium Chairman. In 1993 I also took on the role as Chairman of the organising committee for NSW 93 in Leeds - I still believe that was one of the best NSWs we ever had! This was mainly due to a great committee who worked with me tirelessly to put on a fantastic event. I have subsequently been invited to return to Table and Area 32 as their honorary President.

I am currently a member of three 41 Clubs: Shipley, Baildon and “The Andy Pandys”. I have been fortunate enough to have been Chairman of both Shipley and Baildon 41 Clubs. After my early retirement from the I.T. and Electricity Industry, I was elected to represent Region 6, Yorkshire, as the 41 Club National Council in 2019 for a 3 year term, which due to Covid became 4 years. In the last year of my term, I was elected by my fellow National Councillors to represent them on the National Board as the National Councillors Liaison Officer (NCLO) following which I was elected the National Vice President at our AGM in Jersey earlier this year.

I would really like our Clubs to share friendship and hold cluster meetings and/or Regional Dinners, or just visit each other. I am hoping to introduce regional directories to assist and encourage joint meetings to this end.

As well as being a committed 41 Club member, I am a keen (but not very good) golfer and enjoy growing fruit and vegetables on my allotment. I very much enjoy foreign travel and walking, which I have indulged in since retiring in 2017. My wife Heather is a member of three Tangent Clubs: Baildon, E-Club and “The Pandemics”. She has also been Tangent National Secretary 2018-21 and National President for 2022-2023. We have one son, Gareth, who has been brought up enjoying many Round Table family events.

My chosen charities will be announced at next year’s AGM in Liverpool. During my year as President part of my fundraising activities will be hosting a charity ball on the 5th of October 2024 at the Cedar Court Hotel in Harrogate. I have joined forces with Emma-Jane Wright, National Vice President of Tangent Clubs, to run a joint National Raffle across both Associations, which will be drawn at Emma’s Ball in February 2025. I have a few more ideas and some more events in mind which will be announced early in 2024.

My Presidential Liaison Committee is made up of John and Sue Kilshaw, Mark House, Heather, John and Alex Manley, Matt and Beth Bladon, Sean Redman. Steve Dolan and John and Sarah Dobson who have been brilliant and I can’t thank them enough for the hard work and support they have given me so far.